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Once you get Dythra down below half health (Need to confirm exactly) s/he calls in ALL the mobs in the zone, range is not an issue, so you need to clear the zone before taking Dythra. If the raid wipes in the instance you will be forced to revive outside the zone and be locked out. Prevent this by...
01-03-2008, 10:48 AM by EQ-Raiders
You must kill the rounds of plasma snake and cruor guys in the pool area to make him change positions and become agro. Mob can be burned in under a minute with the right raid setup. Mob has very low HP. CA will teleport his current target every 30-45 secs right to his sitting position in the wate...
01-03-2008, 10:38 AM by EQ-Raiders
Frozen Statue of the Snowbeast is a relatively easy mob once you have the strategy down. Everyone enter the room, tank him wherever you choose, although an open area is usually best due to his memwipe. Depending on how many tanks you have in your raid, assign 1-2 tanks to the named. The named w...
06-06-2010, 07:36 PM by Darkdragonx
Theldek is a simple tank and spank with a few adds thrown in. Theldek will aggro the second anyone touches the bar on the floor entering his room. The aoe's from Theldek are not too powerful at all so you could have everyone in your raid just pile right on top of him. Every 30-45 seconds scorpion...
04-26-2012, 05:59 AM by EQ-Raiders
This fight is very simple. Start by tanking Pawbuster in a corner where you can eventually move him to the grate quickly. The easiest place is just at the bottom of the stairs below his little area. Set all raid members to stand in front of your healers. There is word that Pawbuster stuns the cl...
07-24-2008, 10:43 AM by EQ-Raiders
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