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Horraastaas is a pretty straight forward mob when you learn its secret. The main thing about Horraastaas is that when he takes damage you will steadily spawn little adds. These adds need to be pulled to the "nests" around the area to get rid of them. You can click each nest three times to get ri...
09-16-2010, 07:47 AM by EQ-Raiders
So, on pull, six people get a red message on their screen, three for each of the two mobs that spawn. If you get a red message on pull, you WILL be able to hit one of the two mobs that spawns, but not both. Make sure you find your mob. These mobs have a set time limit to die. If they do not ...
09-04-2011, 04:44 AM by Sude
Pull Dagarn and 4 adds spawn with the name "Aquatic Legionnaire" from the 4 cornors of the room. These adds will need to be killed at the 4 cornors of the room where you see a ball of fire floating in the air. When an add dies next to a ball of flame it despawns and will in turn decrease the amoun...
04-26-2012, 06:26 AM by EQ-Raiders
The Outcast strategy is a pretty straight forward burn fight. Lot's of adds will spawn throughout the fight but your raid will ignore most of them. There is only one type of add that you need to be watchful for during this encounter which is 'a mutagenic spiritswarmer'. These adds must be killed ...
03-15-2008, 04:42 PM by EQ-Raiders
On the pull Hragdold will cast Clawstorm almost instantly and every 10 seconds until adds pop. This AoE drains about 15% power every three seconds. It also does a fair amount of physical damage so healers must be able to cure it. Roughly 1 minute into the fight four adds will spawn; one of each a...
07-17-2011, 08:29 PM by Sanction
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