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This one has a damage shield that does 392-479, can be removed by the Druid's AA ablity 1. You need to kill all other nameds and seedling, 'cos they run to help. 2. You need to kill first Tender's assist in right order. 3. Have your off-tank grab adds ASAP they spawn. 4. MT healers at max ra...
01-03-2008, 11:16 AM by EQ-Raiders
Haephaus is like a version of The Clockwork Menace. There are three forge areas near him. One behind him, one to the side of him and one in front of him. Here you will see three items. The items are Shield, Armor and Weapon. When you start the fight a timer will start. You will have 60 seconds...
09-03-2010, 06:59 AM by EQ-Raiders
Users: Have the whole raid minus your designated coffin killer in the far corner by the portrait you used to spawn Malkonis, they need to be up against the wall at all times no EXCEPTIONS. Ok once you are set click th...
01-03-2008, 01:02 PM by EQ-Raiders
This mob wanders throughout the zone in a large path so be careful where your raid travels. This is the last mob in the zone and is tied to all the brownies in the zone. If you have any brownies you have not killed they will aggro during the encounter. If your raid completed the challenge at the ...
01-03-2008, 11:58 AM by EQ-Raiders
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