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This is your basic DPS check fight. 50 seconds into the fight a group of adds will spawn that must be killed. Each one will cast the multi-strike AoE about 10 seconds after spawning so use group death prevents or AoE blocks. Following groups of adds will come a minute and half apart. There a...
08-07-2011, 03:45 PM by Sanction
2 AoEs - Trauma based. Riftwave - Minor damage, stuns those within 10m radius, dazes those outside of the 10m radius. Uncurable, about a 6s duration. Protectors Strike - Hits roughly every 30s. High damage Trauma AoE. Basically a HP check on the raid. - Often occurs around same time as the Rift. ...
11-26-2013, 04:41 AM by Cheesy
Pretty straight forward encounter, but the script is a bit tricky to pull off. Vys has a red text joust every 50 seconds and will DT (Death Touch his Target every 45 seconds. The DT is called Storm Touch. Vys also has an elemental aoe called Tumultuous Tempest on ~26 second timer roughly. Elemen...
04-26-2012, 09:52 AM by EQ-Raiders
----------------- Normal Mode ----------------- Klaaktuus on Normal Mode is a rather simple fight. Survive the successive AOE's just like on the normal mode encounter of Oxydaxius. Klaaktuus does have some similarities to Oxydaxius in that there are three adds that will spawn every 30-45 seconds o...
06-29-2010, 04:25 AM by EQ-Raiders
Balor is the first mob in this zone that can be considered a DPS check. You will find Balor standing on the middle of the bridge after teleporting to Wing 2 in Underdepths. You do not have to fight him on the bridge as he can be pull to either side without the encounter breaking. The first part o...
04-26-2012, 06:49 AM by EQ-Raiders
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