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The Leviathan is a rather easy encounter if properly setup. First you will need to clear the zone of all the Fishmen in the zone. The fishmen body drops are skins that you will use to defeat the Leviathan. First you will need to decide on who will enter the Leviathan. The best candidates to en...
07-25-2008, 11:26 PM by EQ-Raiders
Gozak requires atleast 4 people in your raid to have killed Aiden and looted the Shard that drops from the Chest. (Chanters and Bards seem to be the preference to use the Shard on Gozak) This Shard summons a pet that is controlled by the player that will tank Gozak. The Pet does massive damage but...
12-28-2009, 04:20 AM by EQ-Raiders
Parah'Celsis has a few ae's.. arcane and elemental.. 1 is a knockback.. 1 is a snare (arcane)... a yellow screen that if you damage him it damages you until it wears off.. only 1 of these is curable btw You will need to right-click him once he does his ritual to prevent him from escaping and i...
02-14-2010, 08:22 AM by Khatiru
Ione the Lifebringer This is the fourth and final encounter in Kurn's Tower and is fairly difficult. You should be wearing mostly T4 TSO raid gear to have a chance at beating him. SETUP - Two healers per group required - Long fight so need good power regen (bard/chanter per group) - Just need on...
04-19-2010, 06:47 PM by Mindeen
You will need the person with Aggro to stay within melee range of Tert at all times. Tert will not move from where he stands from the two places he ports to and from. If he targets someone too far away he will ignite the docks and you will die. If you manage to jump into the water to avoid the fi...
02-22-2011, 08:44 AM by EQ-Raiders
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