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Alangria is an 54 x2 with a total of 4 adds. Two of these adds spawn at 80% life and are something like lvl 56 ^^^ heroics and the same thing happens at 20% life. The stratagy that works best here is to have the tank pull alangria to the doorway of her spawn room and have all the casters standing ...
01-05-2008, 09:54 AM by EQ-Raiders
Addnames: There are no adds names other than the ones that are in the start. When you kill them the real avatar will pop. General strat: Massive powerdrains – Make sure you got plate or chain healers in each group. Its got a short melee ae and it memwipes. Time that and make sure you got your...
01-01-2010, 02:00 AM by EQ-Raiders
Add names - an enlightened disciple - essence of yin & essence of yang General strat: Ring event: everyone is stunned and the first one that walks up to him and starts the ring event will have to fight with a double up, when that dies another will pop and 1 person will be unstunned and have to fi...
01-01-2010, 03:05 AM by EQ-Raiders
Uktap is believed to be harder than Tyrannous. I disagree with this statement. The only thing you really need on this fight is massive AOE dps. You will have several adds to start (2 of which are named). These adds need to be killed asap. Many guilds start by directly targeting one of the named...
12-27-2009, 07:27 AM by EQ-Raiders
Add names: - orcish warlord – generic adds - battlepriest of zek – will heal the avatar to full health if not engaged and killed in time - zek battlemaster – will aoe the whole raid if not engaged and killed in time - Axltaxatus – unkillable and untauntable, have healers keep healing their g...
01-01-2010, 02:19 AM by EQ-Raiders
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