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Argos is the main named in 'The Menagerie' encounter in MMP. He is a three headed dog and only fought if your raid chooses to not fight Miragul. Once the adds are down Argos is a pushover. He just has alot of HP. The other mobs and abilities are: Eesaad the Fierce Two abilities all of which are...
01-05-2010, 11:11 PM by EQ-Raiders
Xebnok is the second last name prior to spawning Gynok. This is a very straight forward fight. Power will be an issue in this fight if you dont have alot of dps and/or not enough chanters in your raid. Just like Thet there are 3 spawn locations of adds on this fight. They are not all in the same...
10-04-2008, 12:01 PM by EQ-Raiders
Venril Sathir is the only boss named found in this instance. He is a hovering Sathirian with a bad attitude. The key to this fight is not Venril himself, rather it is your raid paying attention. Venril has a 8% chance to cast fear on any dmg to him. The fear the doesnt last long at all, roughly ...
05-30-2008, 11:40 PM by EQ-Raiders
Qunard Ashenclaw is activated by clicking the small mound in the middle of the room where he is flying above. When done so you will get a message that "Buzzing Errupts all around you". You will then be swarmed by a few waves of Heroic bees. They dont have much HP so burn them down. After about a...
09-22-2008, 10:59 PM by EQ-Raiders
The barrier golem can be very tricky because their really isnt an ideal place to tank him. The tricky part with this fight, other than the fact he hits very hard, is that every 45 seconds or so he will place a ring on the ground which about 5 seconds later will cause a large earthquake AOE that wil...
02-05-2010, 12:14 PM by EQ-Raiders
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