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Has Mental based AOE with knockback and root. Single-target divine nuke, seems nerfed after LU31 hits for 1-2k. Strategy: Clear Djinn Master's room of mobs, there is a group of 6 Djinn's around him carefully pull them out not agroing the Djinn Master, they drop 6 musical instruments. Place the ...
03-15-2008, 05:11 PM by EQ-Raiders
Rathgar is a pure DPS fight plain and simple. 30 seconds into the fight and then one minute or so afterwards he will one shot your tank. Rathgar will gain one adventure level every time he kills someone. If he reaches level 99 he will one shot every single person he targets. This means you need a...
07-17-2010, 05:13 AM by EQ-Raiders
The best spot to place your raid is directly behind him on one tight spot, preferably right in the middle of the room. 10-15 sec into the fight a person gets cursed, that person needs to stop attacking the named or die very fast. A reflection of that person will pop, hitting hard and memwiping fr...
03-17-2011, 06:14 AM by EQ-Raiders
Rhee'Gor is standing a few feet away from when you zone in, he is a non aggressive mob. When you are ready to fight run up to him but DO NOT touch him. He will go to the fire pot in front of him, do some flips and become hardmode like 5 seconds latter. As soon as Rhee'Gor's ritual is done he wi...
10-15-2010, 02:20 PM by Sanction
Much like other mobs in this expansion this guy does a ritual that people need to joust out for. The range is about 20 meters for this mob to joust out. If you are too close you will be nuked and cursed. Everyone including healers needs to joust out for this guy as his curse does cover minimum he...
02-14-2010, 08:18 AM by EQ-Raiders
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