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Argos is the main named in 'The Menagerie' encounter in MMP. He is a three headed dog and only fought if your raid chooses to not fight Miragul. Once the adds are down Argos is a pushover. He just has alot of HP. The other mobs and abilities are: Eesaad the Fierce Two abilities all of which are...
01-05-2010, 11:11 PM by EQ-Raiders
Taskmaster is the first mob you will encounter in the Second Wing of Veeshan's Peak. If you have enough ranged DPS this fight is rather simple due to the fact that Taskmaster is rooted on his island. Taskmaster is a repeating strategy of constant jousting. His Fire Nova AOE is devastating if yo...
09-21-2008, 07:12 PM by EQ-Raiders
Tythus Tinzok is found in the upper tower where Absatalious was located. Just keep running up the spiral staircase sections. The Tythus encounter can get a little annoying. First you must fight your up to him. Cutting through the little heroic mobs he is sending down the stairs. When you get ...
04-23-2009, 11:52 PM by EQ-Raiders
Munzok's fight is actually extremely simple on paper. Adds Spawn, kill the adds. Stay in the bubble and click the towers. That is pretty much the fight. But I'll get a little more detailed for you. You will need atleast three fighters in your raid to make this encounter to what it was intended...
01-25-2010, 06:51 AM by EQ-Raiders
Mynzak is all that stands in your way between you and Anashti Sul. Before you attempt to pull Mynzak be sure to clear the hidden spawns of the Void Rays in the pools to the left and right side of him. They will spawn when you enter the rear pools in the room. If you dont, they will auto aggro whe...
05-13-2009, 10:51 PM by EQ-Raiders
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