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Thet is a rather fun fight. The hardest part of this fight is calling out the proper curses and assigning people to the right spots. First, Thet is located in the pool of water invisibile. If you can send a FD'er down the hill alongside, out of raid, you can spawn him easily. Pulling Thet for the f...
07-04-2009, 11:16 PM by EQ-Raiders
Xebnok is the second last name prior to spawning Gynok. This is a very straight forward fight. Power will be an issue in this fight if you dont have alot of dps and/or not enough chanters in your raid. Just like Thet there are 3 spawn locations of adds on this fight. They are not all in the same...
10-04-2008, 12:01 PM by EQ-Raiders
Haladan Enraged will be a very frustrating fight to even begin to learn. The fight itself is pretty straight forward. Off tank both Haladan and Tuskers with a third tank grabbing the adds as they come. Joust the 3 AOE's. Pretty easy right? Wrong. Everyone mob in this encounter, including the a...
01-23-2010, 06:26 AM by EQ-Raiders
Sargon the Destructor is a small DPS check and is a rather easy fight. There are no aoe's to really watch out for other than effects gained by adds. The main obstacle in this encounter is handling the 4 adds that will spawn every 45 seconds or so. The adds are called, "Malignon" Crusader, Blackgu...
04-26-2012, 09:50 AM by EQ-Raiders
Elder Ekron is the giant Wurm located just prior to Druushk. The way the mob works is fairly simple. The mob is a standard tank and spank with a little twist between 70% and 30%. Most raids will pull this mob to the wall just in front the stone stairway. Proceed to kill from this point on. Wh...
08-11-2008, 06:52 AM by EQ-Raiders
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