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Much like other mobs in this expansion this guy does a ritual that people need to joust out for. The range is about 20 meters for this mob to joust out. If you are too close you will be nuked and cursed. Everyone including healers needs to joust out for this guy as his curse does cover minimum he...
02-14-2010, 08:18 AM by EQ-Raiders
Tythus Tinzok is found in the upper tower where Absatalious was located. Just keep running up the spiral staircase sections. The Tythus encounter can get a little annoying. First you must fight your up to him. Cutting through the little heroic mobs he is sending down the stairs. When you get ...
04-23-2009, 11:52 PM by EQ-Raiders
Zarrakon is a tricky encounter which can involve a lot of luck until you have it on farm. You need four tank groups with a decent amount of DPS in each. Groups should generally consist of 2 healers, a tank, bard, chanter and a DPS - including the MT group. The nastiest AE he has is the nox which ...
08-28-2009, 09:19 AM by Superlative
Every mob must be killed in the zone otherwise they will aggro when Wuoshi Aggro's. Wuoshi has a very large hit box. Wuoshi spawns a "Ancient Grovebeast" add at 75% and 25%. Common stratey is to tank Wuoshi on the paddock to the far left corner of the entrance to the third floor. Everyone in rai...
01-03-2008, 12:37 PM by EQ-Raiders
The deal with this mob is that you can choose to fight only one of these mobs. You will notice when inspecting the mobs they have a buff on them that enhances there damage. What you want to do is remove one of the mobs from the picture. The encounter has 4 total mobs as a part of it and if you n...
02-22-2011, 08:43 AM by EQ-Raiders
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