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Kreeger is a very simple fight if you remember one important thing. Your raid must stay within 15 meters of him. 10-15 meters is the ideal spot to stand from him. His AOE's hit harder closer than 9 meters and beyond 15 meters. Stay in this sweet spot and you will take the minimal amount of damage du...
02-22-2011, 08:44 AM by EQ-Raiders
2 AoEs - Trauma based. Riftwave - Minor damage, stuns those within 10m radius, dazes those outside of the 10m radius. Uncurable, about a 6s duration. Protectors Strike - Hits roughly every 30s. High damage Trauma AoE. Basically a HP check on the raid. - Often occurs around same time as the Rift. ...
11-26-2013, 04:41 AM by Cheesy
He has a nasty trauma AE that you'll want to have scouts joust most likely. Squishy people should just stay away period. Important! Before you start, set loot to Free For All. Crucial! We position the raid right in the doorway to begin, with the MT taking the mob to the corner to the right. He...
11-27-2009, 10:41 PM by Sude
This encounter has a lot of moving parts, a lot of places things can go wrong. To begin, Tyrannus comes with six adds which must be dealt with quickly, right at the start. Generally, having the Offtank pull the encounter, and letting the MT Rescue Tyrannus is the best bet for a clean, repeatable p...
11-27-2009, 11:02 PM by Sude
Add names: - orcish warlord – generic adds - battlepriest of zek – will heal the avatar to full health if not engaged and killed in time - zek battlemaster – will aoe the whole raid if not engaged and killed in time - Axltaxatus – unkillable and untauntable, have healers keep healing their g...
01-01-2010, 02:19 AM by EQ-Raiders
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