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This fight has a couple phases. Phase 1: Jessip will have text appear in (NPC Say?) that states "Jessip Daggerheart is attempting to sneak up on , but they haven't noticed". When this happens, the player chosen needs to target the invisible/stealth version of Jessip standing right be...
04-13-2015, 04:13 AM by Drax
Timed fight until you kill the first named. A few rules for this fight. Every 10%, the nameds emote and will target lock you to the named with the most HP. Add frequency changes based on your burn and which named has higher HP. If Morin is highest, Swashbuckler adds spawn. If Barin is the highest, ...
01-16-2015, 05:28 PM by aquareflections
Milyex Vioren is the second boss encounter found on the second wing. Milyex is found flying around are small circular platform with 5 Generators and his Iksar Mechanic. The generators are as follows: diamond -- northwest ruby -- north sapphire -- east opal -- west emerald -- southeast Sta...
09-21-2008, 07:26 PM by EQ-Raiders
Krastas is Melee only: Any type of spell damage or debuff will deal massive damage back to you. Some ae proc abilities count as a spell. Keep an eye on what abilities you use or you may die alot. Odaufe is Caster only: Any type of melee will deal massive damage back to you. Once again check your ...
06-15-2010, 09:52 PM by Khatiru
This fight is fairly simple. Set your raid up so people can joust out from Tagrin when the red text comes. We put two tanks on Tagrin to deal with the death touch and mem wipe. 50 seconds into the fight an add with the name 'a spirit assassin' will spawn however only 2 people will be able to se...
11-09-2012, 02:13 AM by Sanction
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