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Add names: - a wizard of growth - an guardian of growth - an acolyte of growth General strat: tank him at the picnic table behind him with the tank at the tree and the raid at the wall. Everyone needs to dance which means everyone needs to press their 'wasd' buttons within 10 seconds and move a...
01-01-2010, 03:08 AM by EQ-Raiders
Zarrakon is a tricky encounter which can involve a lot of luck until you have it on farm. You need four tank groups with a decent amount of DPS in each. Groups should generally consist of 2 healers, a tank, bard, chanter and a DPS - including the MT group. The nastiest AE he has is the nox which ...
08-28-2009, 09:19 AM by Superlative
--------------------- Vaclaz (Normal Mode) --------------------- Vaclaz in Normal mode is a combination of Pentaclypse, Anashti Sul and Field General Uktap. You will see that Vaclaz has 4 adds that are with him. These adds control which version you get. If all 4 of these adds die you will trigge...
07-17-2010, 05:40 AM by EQ-Raiders
Diviner Gelerin; Sub Boss Persecutor Barid is part of the encounter. Diviner AE: Tavalan Demeanor - 24s Recast. (Trauma) Will cast a Curse on 3 random people in the raid, which will give players a 5s warning in red text. They must stop all casting. (Same as First named in Potao and UDx4). Can be...
05-06-2013, 08:01 AM by EQ-Raiders
Stranger Stalker is a triggered event that will occur when you proceed toward the General's room. You will see a triggered zone message, "You hear a strange slithering sound." The Strange Stalker will then spawn on your raid the next time you start an encounter. You want the Stalker to spawn on y...
06-27-2009, 08:50 PM by EQ-Raiders
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