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Xebnok is the second last name prior to spawning Gynok. This is a very straight forward fight. Power will be an issue in this fight if you dont have alot of dps and/or not enough chanters in your raid. Just like Thet there are 3 spawn locations of adds on this fight. They are not all in the same...
10-04-2008, 12:01 PM by EQ-Raiders
Uktap is believed to be harder than Tyrannous. I disagree with this statement. The only thing you really need on this fight is massive AOE dps. You will have several adds to start (2 of which are named). These adds need to be killed asap. Many guilds start by directly targeting one of the named...
12-27-2009, 07:27 AM by EQ-Raiders
The basics of the Drinal fights are as follows. You either let Drinal absorb certain soul wells or you destroy them before he absorbs them. This effectively changes the challenge mode of the encounter. Soulwell 1 Red - Temporal Downstairs - Temporal Soulwell frontal cone AE (Red Text Warning...
11-20-2012, 01:16 AM by EQ-Raiders
This mob wanders throughout the zone in a large path so be careful where your raid travels. This is the last mob in the zone and is tied to all the brownies in the zone. If you have any brownies you have not killed they will aggro during the encounter. If your raid completed the challenge at the ...
01-03-2008, 11:58 AM by EQ-Raiders
You don't actaully fight Tallon directly but he will port around the room shooting arrows at you. Make sure your raid never turns their back to Tallon as Tallon will only attack those who do not face him. Tallon's attacks are very potent if this happens. Three different adds will spawn on incomi...
08-10-2011, 05:25 PM by Sanction
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