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You don't actaully fight Tallon directly but he will port around the room shooting arrows at you. Make sure your raid never turns their back to Tallon as Tallon will only attack those who do not face him. Tallon's attacks are very potent if this happens. Three different adds will spawn on incomi...
08-10-2011, 05:25 PM by Sanction
Munzok's fight is actually extremely simple on paper. Adds Spawn, kill the adds. Stay in the bubble and click the towers. That is pretty much the fight. But I'll get a little more detailed for you. You will need atleast three fighters in your raid to make this encounter to what it was intended...
01-25-2010, 06:51 AM by EQ-Raiders
Now, most raid guilds will have either Two Groups on Toxxulia and Two groups on Vuulan or they will put three healers into one group with a Dirge and Two Tanks. Either way works well but will more than likely depend on your DPS and how fast you can kill Vuulan. The strategy remains the same no mat...
02-05-2010, 09:20 AM by Khatiru
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