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Five heroic adds spawn when you pull him. They are easy kills. Joust the named when the red message comes up on your screen. He does root himself like many other named with this ability. Addition From: Morphy00 and Twisted_Mentat Adds spawn ONLY if your next ...
05-26-2010, 01:33 AM by Geekyone
Everyone piles up under her rear end. Engage and Burn. AE tanks grab any adds that swarm in. Ignore them and burn the named. The named burrows into the ground. Have OT's or scouts pull in all the groups of centipedes that spawn. Burn them all and once they are all dead she will unburrow. (Whi...
07-16-2012, 01:34 PM by Sanction
Aereon is a rather straight forward fight. Your raid will typically be setup on an angle from your tank somewhere in this room where your tank will be in one spot and your raid will be running back and forth from point A to point B. The second you pull Aereon she will spawn a tornado on your raid...
09-16-2010, 07:08 AM by EQ-Raiders
Has an AE that spawns two 'liquid fire' adds for each player or pet that is hit by it, making accurate jousting very important. The adds autoattack for crushing damage, and are mezzable. Talendor also has a 25,000 point heal called Prayer of Harla Dar that he uses 3-4 minutes after the fight begin...
01-01-2008, 07:27 AM by EQ-Raiders
Your raid will want to set up three points of attack for this encounter; one for Sevalak, one for Tempestor and one for the adds. If Sevalak and Tempestor get too close they become empowered. Sevalak also has a knockback component so tanks pulling the names will want their back to a wall. About...
09-09-2012, 06:11 AM by Sanction
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