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This mob wanders throughout the zone in a large path so be careful where your raid travels. This is the last mob in the zone and is tied to all the brownies in the zone. If you have any brownies you have not killed they will aggro during the encounter. If your raid completed the challenge at the ...
01-03-2008, 11:58 AM by EQ-Raiders
First thing to know about this encounter is that this encounter is easily beaten by killing the Princes in a certain order. The order typically is Urbaniok, Kulkak and then Strixus. Small adds will spawn during the encounter that do randomly taunt players. Make sure to have target macro's set up ...
03-15-2008, 04:37 PM by EQ-Raiders
Sir Rouland - Kurns x2 - Second Name Location Take the elevator up from main floor to the purple circular pad. When you step on this pad it ports you right beside the name. Carefully move away from him to the opposite edge. Bubbles During the fight the four grates will start to animate...
06-02-2010, 05:44 PM by Mindeen
The only reason this mob is listed as stressful is because of the level of lag you will encounter with this guy. Even if you are the only guild there the lag will probably be pretty amazing. First, in order to do anything with this encounter atleast one person in your group will need to right-clic...
03-26-2010, 12:04 AM by EQ-Raiders
Killingfrost is a rather easy mob once you understand what is needed to be done to win the fight. If your raid (specifically your fighters in this case) has completed the X2 zone you will be able to counter Kraytoc's buff he has on him. The buff isnt that potent for most guilds so if your guild was ...
02-22-2011, 08:46 AM by EQ-Raiders
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