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This fight has a couple phases. Phase 1: Jessip will have text appear in (NPC Say?) that states "Jessip Daggerheart is attempting to sneak up on , but they haven't noticed". When this happens, the player chosen needs to target the invisible/stealth version of Jessip standing right be...
04-13-2015, 04:13 AM by Drax
Gynok Moltar and his four linked companions are in-active until the encounter is started by clicking the wall sconce in the small room adjacent to Gynok. At that point all five mobs become aggro. This, until you have it on farm anyway, is a two tank encounter. 1st Tank Group handles Gynok: Group...
08-28-2009, 09:02 AM by Superlative
Users: There are 6 levers that must be pulled at the sametime using the warm pair of gloves recieved from an earlier quest in zone to open the path way to get to Vrewwx...
06-20-2010, 08:02 PM by Khatiru
Split your raid up in a 3-1 formation; 3 groups on Goreslaughter, 1 group on Corpsemaul. Tank the names near their respective platforms. The one ability that both names share is a curse called Toll of War. One person on each side will be hit with the curse every 30 seconds. The person with the c...
01-18-2013, 06:29 AM by Sanction
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