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Absatalious is a named that will aggro your raid party a few seconds after entering the new portal after killing Switchmaster. This mob is a pretty straight forward dps burn but you do you need to pay attention to one key part. The mob has a Poison/Disease based AOE that if not cured will tick for...
04-23-2009, 11:26 PM by EQ-Raiders
Tythus Tinzok is found in the upper tower where Absatalious was located. Just keep running up the spiral staircase sections. The Tythus encounter can get a little annoying. First you must fight your up to him. Cutting through the little heroic mobs he is sending down the stairs. When you get ...
04-23-2009, 11:52 PM by EQ-Raiders
Pentaclypse and Ultaclypse are the same mobs. So it really does not matter which you decide to banish. The strategy remains the same for both of the named. Pentaclypse comes complete with 4 Epic x 4 adds that when killed make the Void Beast (Penta/Ulta) stronger. A typical strategy is to pull t...
05-01-2009, 06:25 AM by EQ-Raiders
Mynzak is all that stands in your way between you and Anashti Sul. Before you attempt to pull Mynzak be sure to clear the hidden spawns of the Void Rays in the pools to the left and right side of him. They will spawn when you enter the rear pools in the room. If you dont, they will auto aggro whe...
05-13-2009, 10:51 PM by EQ-Raiders
Anashti Sul is the final mob in Palace of the Ancient One. The encounter is in two stages, the first being a ring event which begins when you cross the threshhold in to her chamber. Ring Event: In order to understand the encounter I'll briefly outline the lay out of the room. It's circular in sha...
10-26-2009, 05:44 PM by Superlative
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