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--- Part One --- Ykesha can only be reached after defeating a ring event much like Anashti's. Only with this ring event you will fight 3 waves of named mobs. The first mobs is a simple tank and spank. The second mob comes with two adds. Burn the adds and be ready to constantly be curing AOE Nox...
01-11-2010, 08:30 AM by EQ-Raiders
Byzola is the Boss mob of Shard of Hate and she is a pain. First there are three types of adds that come periodically during the fight. A set of 3 heroic Nightblood Warriors One Epic x 2 Nightblood Class Specific Adds that must be killed by the corresponding classes in your raid. The class adds a...
09-29-2008, 08:00 AM by EQ-Raiders
Venril Sathir is the only boss named found in this instance. He is a hovering Sathirian with a bad attitude. The key to this fight is not Venril himself, rather it is your raid paying attention. Venril has a 8% chance to cast fear on any dmg to him. The fear the doesnt last long at all, roughly ...
05-30-2008, 11:40 PM by EQ-Raiders
Mynzak is all that stands in your way between you and Anashti Sul. Before you attempt to pull Mynzak be sure to clear the hidden spawns of the Void Rays in the pools to the left and right side of him. They will spawn when you enter the rear pools in the room. If you dont, they will auto aggro whe...
05-13-2009, 10:51 PM by EQ-Raiders
The Overking is the final mob in the Temple of Korsha. Make sure the assassins are cleared out of the pools before engaging him or they will join the fight. Setup with heat resist gear if you are low, and have the troub run the heat song. The off tank group should be a good AOE setup. For exam...
02-05-2009, 06:36 PM by Mindeen
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