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The only reason this mob is listed as stressful is because of the level of lag you will encounter with this guy. Even if you are the only guild there the lag will probably be pretty amazing. First, in order to do anything with this encounter atleast one person in your group will need to right-clic...
03-26-2010, 12:04 AM by EQ-Raiders
He lives in the rat area in that area where the red target circle area is. He has no hard mode. Cogglius curses the 3 closest folks to him occasionally and if those folks are fighters they will be hit for less vs non fighters who will be hit much harder. Has a few other AOE's but they are fai...
04-01-2010, 04:28 AM by Khatiru
Five heroic adds spawn when you pull him. They are easy kills. Joust the named when the red message comes up on your screen. He does root himself like many other named with this ability. Addition From: Morphy00 and Twisted_Mentat Adds spawn ONLY if your next ...
05-26-2010, 01:33 AM by Geekyone
Frozen Statue of the Ice Maiden Upon entering her room you will see her as a frozen statue in the middle of the room. Clicking her will begin the encounter. Adds Four adds will pop at the beginning, and each time you kill one another spawns. The Frozen Statue can't actually be damaged directly, ...
05-27-2010, 05:30 PM by Mindeen
Captain H'Bri is linked with Lieutenant Grauf Thundersmash and not agro at the start. You clear the room of the golem adds and then go to take the portal. When you enter the room, head to the right and take the portal to a different room. Clear all the golems. Once the golems are dead, split the...
05-28-2010, 07:33 AM by
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