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To start the fight have someone get close to the Lichlord and he will start a small dialog. Maalus Reborn will then pop on someone in the raid. Yes you are reading it right, Maalus is back. There will be a number of curses but only 'Greater Curse of Devastation' needs to be cured. A x2 add wil...
08-17-2011, 09:54 PM by Sanction
Fairly straightfoward ring event followed by named. The ring event and named mobs all come in from random sides. First set of mobs in the ring event is spiders, they are not grouped. Lightweight. Next set of mobs int he ring event is skeletons in groups of 3. They hit a good bit harder. Finally, w...
03-31-2011, 03:33 AM by Drax
Giant end boss in Kralet Penumbra
01-22-2017, 03:13 AM by Praetorian
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