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Tank him far enough from the fountains in-zone to keep his stoneskin off him but within range of a raid force that's stacked up close to, or in, the fountain. Every 45 seconds he will shout "Catch!" and up to 3 raid members will end up with a dull elemental. These players must jump into a fountai...
01-09-2015, 12:49 AM by aquareflections
The Outcast strategy is a pretty straight forward burn fight. Lot's of adds will spawn throughout the fight but your raid will ignore most of them. There is only one type of add that you need to be watchful for during this encounter which is 'a mutagenic spiritswarmer'. These adds must be killed ...
03-15-2008, 04:42 PM by EQ-Raiders
Basic Strat; Pull mob. Burn Mob to 50% Mount Splits Tank Mount somewhere Take mount down to 20% ish HP. Go back to killing Named Named ports up out of reach around 10% ish - Will pop red circle on random raid member, must move out of it, or you will die and heal named 5% per death. Kill Mount Name...
11-26-2013, 04:46 AM by EQ-Raiders
This is a fairly strait forward fight not requiring any special ACT, GC, or RH calls outs. Try and pull the roamer from behind him so that it does not add on someone during the encounter. Fight him pretty much where he is so that you are equal distance from either side of the room. The named ha...
12-07-2012, 04:57 PM by Demilitch
This is an easy encounter when you know where to stands and what to do. First thing, make sure to never stand behind him unless you wana test out his tail swipe. He do have a Knockback component as well (Wing Buffet) So tank (s) need to plan accordingly. That being said, Honvar will take the ai...
05-26-2012, 10:34 PM by Vanuk
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