Easy Mode: Casts an uncurable Elemental on a member of the raid, they need to move away from everyone else until gone. If they don't move, it spreads, if it spreads 4x, its a wipe. Name - Arc Lightning Regex for GC/RH etc. - Overlord Talan's Arc Lightning (critically )?hits (?!YOU)(?[A-Za-z...
05-06-2013, 08:00 AM by Cheesy
Balor is the first mob in this zone that can be considered a DPS check. You will find Balor standing on the middle of the bridge after teleporting to Wing 2 in Underdepths. You do not have to fight him on the bridge as he can be pull to either side without the encounter breaking. The first part o...
04-26-2012, 06:49 AM by EQ-Raiders
The mob has a couple different adds that spawn and can be burned down with moderate DPS. Make sure your tank keep their snaps up because Sparerib will drop hate now and again. Contributed by: Boduar There are 2 metal plates on the ground the boss, tank, and person with incurable curse need to be ...
07-02-2011, 12:40 PM by Edrickx
On the pull Hragdold will cast Clawstorm almost instantly and every 10 seconds until adds pop. This AoE drains about 15% power every three seconds. It also does a fair amount of physical damage so healers must be able to cure it. Roughly 1 minute into the fight four adds will spawn; one of each a...
07-17-2011, 08:29 PM by Sanction