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Comes with 4 Adds at start. They don't seem to follow conventional aggro patterns, be careful on pull with aggro. Adds can be killed via AE damage. Stacked on tank. Red text joust, EVERYONE must joust, otherwise 30s of No Hostiles + No Beneficials. Adds will memwipe shortly after first red text (If...
11-26-2013, 04:42 AM by EQ-Raiders
"Rage" can be a block for some small guild groups with dps and heal issues. Rage is probably the most punshing fight in this zone from a damage standpoint. Rage will immediately spawn a epic x 2 hand that you will NEED to burn down asap. You can not damage Rage until this hand is dead. There wi...
03-17-2011, 06:13 AM by EQ-Raiders
Haldane is a pretty straight forward encounter. First you should know that this zone requires hard mode raid spec's in order to perform well in it. Your raid should be at or above 200% Critical Mitigation to even make the AOE's manageable. The encounter does first start with three mobs. Haldan...
06-17-2011, 04:32 AM by EQ-Raiders
This mob has a time based component to him. You have roughly 3 minutes to bring the named down to 75% of his health and 3 minutes for each next 25%. If you do not meet this challenge you will summon a X4 mob that will kill your raid. The mob will hit your raid with Noxious and Arcane AE's. Noxio...
02-22-2011, 08:53 AM by EQ-Raiders
Trajin Cedon is a very easy encounter compared to Kage-Zonn that you just did. You can not kill his adds before him so just concentrate all your burn on the named. If you kill his adds you may infact live but he does a Harm Touch type hit each time you kill his add. If you can heal through it, go...
04-25-2010, 12:45 PM by EQ-Raiders
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