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1 tank on ice dragon with his group. AOE prevent the flame dance aoe from the fire dragon (should only need to aoe block twice) 1 tank on fire mob. Get ice adds (which spawn on flame dragon) Burn down the 2 stalkers, then burn the behemoth. Click the pillar thing that spawns when the behemoth dies...
07-02-2014, 05:44 AM by EQ-Raiders
About 10 waves to this ring event. Dreadweavers AE with Dreadwake. Joust or AE block. Recruits Target Lock and cause a drop target. Arch Dragoon's Cast a Cure or blow up the raid curse. 1 group 1 group 2 groups 1 group 1 group 2 groups 1 group 1 group 2 groups 2 Commanders with 2 Arch Dragoon's ...
11-26-2013, 04:47 AM by Demilitch
Torrent can be blocked but is also ranged based. If you are out atleast 25+ meters it hits much less. When he drops the black circle just move your raid and him away from it. Best to keep him tanked in the same vicinity as his spawn. Just move left and right and avoid it like a red text joust....
11-26-2013, 04:47 AM by EQ-Raiders
Strategy VME - Valor: VME vs. Caden and Kelplin - EQ2 - Valor - YouTube Vigilance: Vigilance - Caden and Keplin - YouTube (1) Mobs must be kept together, otherwise you get hit with Dragoon's Teamwork (above) (2) Touch of Tomes MUST be interrupted. (3) When a tank gets the red message, they must j...
11-26-2013, 04:46 AM by EQ-Raiders
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