Once all the trash is dead in the zone Zzalazziz can be spawned by walking up one of the two stairs that face each other in the center of the boat. Zzalazziz will spawn a doppelganger with the name Zizzalazz. Five seconds into the fight two 'a tempest mage' spawn on both stair landings. They ar...
02-27-2013, 04:41 AM by EQ-Raiders
Horraastaas is a pretty straight forward mob when you learn its secret. The main thing about Horraastaas is that when he takes damage you will steadily spawn little adds. These adds need to be pulled to the "nests" around the area to get rid of them. You can click each nest three times to get ri...
09-16-2010, 07:47 AM by EQ-Raiders
Two places to really fight her. One is against the huge mushroom in the middle of the zone or other is against the lower waterfall in the river against under the side of the bank closer to the mushroom. Treah has a knockup and an AOE root so plan your pull place accordingly. Main thing here is th...
01-03-2008, 12:15 PM by EQ-Raiders