Two places to really fight her. One is against the huge mushroom in the middle of the zone or other is against the lower waterfall in the river against under the side of the bank closer to the mushroom. Treah has a knockup and an AOE root so plan your pull place accordingly. Main thing here is th...
01-03-2008, 12:15 PM by EQ-Raiders
RMC has two adds. The fight ------------ Have the MT grab Cheroon on the pull and position himself far enough away from the rest of the raid so they don't get AE'd. Secondary tank strips one of the adds (rescue or reinforcement) on the initial pull and brings it to the dps, who should be clu...
03-21-2008, 04:23 AM by EQ-Raiders
Located on the 4th foor, is the 2nd to the last mob. Attached to 2 Uruvan guards; Tactic is usually to split tank with the MT on Zaykala, and secondary tank stripping the adds. It's important to keep all debuffs on Zaykala while burning down the adds. More information is needed.
03-21-2008, 04:03 AM by EQ-Raiders