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Timed fight until you kill the first named. A few rules for this fight. Every 10%, the nameds emote and will target lock you to the named with the most HP. Add frequency changes based on your burn and which named has higher HP. If Morin is highest, Swashbuckler adds spawn. If Barin is the highest, ...
01-16-2015, 05:28 PM by aquareflections
First thing to know about this encounter is that this encounter is easily beaten by killing the Princes in a certain order. The order typically is Urbaniok, Kulkak and then Strixus. Small adds will spawn during the encounter that do randomly taunt players. Make sure to have target macro's set up ...
03-15-2008, 04:37 PM by EQ-Raiders
Marn will spawn Pools on the ground which must be avoided. At 75%, named stoneskins, and spawns 3 adds. Yurit, Kyris and Badum. Yurit is a healer, and if able to cast, will cast a very large heal with no cast bar. Yurit must be mezzed/stunned at ALL times. Kryis must be killed by DPS, then...
11-26-2013, 04:44 AM by Cheesy
Comes with 4 Adds at start. They don't seem to follow conventional aggro patterns, be careful on pull with aggro. Adds can be killed via AE damage. Stacked on tank. Red text joust, EVERYONE must joust, otherwise 30s of No Hostiles + No Beneficials. Adds will memwipe shortly after first red text (If...
11-26-2013, 04:42 AM by EQ-Raiders
Easy Mode: Casts an uncurable Elemental on a member of the raid, they need to move away from everyone else until gone. If they don't move, it spreads, if it spreads 4x, its a wipe. Name - Arc Lightning Regex for GC/RH etc. - Overlord Talan's Arc Lightning (critically )?hits (?!YOU)(?[A-Za-z...
05-06-2013, 08:00 AM by Cheesy
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