On the pull Hragdold will cast Clawstorm almost instantly and every 10 seconds until adds pop. This AoE drains about 15% power every three seconds. It also does a fair amount of physical damage so healers must be able to cure it. Roughly 1 minute into the fight four adds will spawn; one of each a...
07-17-2011, 08:29 PM by Sanction
Miragul is a cure fight plain and simple. Chances are at level 80 you will need atleast 2 healers per group or a bad ass inquisitor with their mythical in one group. Miragul has 3 very powerful AOE's that must be jousted by most everyone in your raid save for your MT's. Try to get all your resist...
01-25-2010, 06:38 AM by EQ-Raiders
Stranger Stalker is a triggered event that will occur when you proceed toward the General's room. You will see a triggered zone message, "You hear a strange slithering sound." The Strange Stalker will then spawn on your raid the next time you start an encounter. You want the Stalker to spawn on y...
06-27-2009, 08:50 PM by EQ-Raiders
Gozak requires atleast 4 people in your raid to have killed Aiden and looted the Shard that drops from the Chest. (Chanters and Bards seem to be the preference to use the Shard on Gozak) This Shard summons a pet that is controlled by the player that will tank Gozak. The Pet does massive damage but...
12-28-2009, 04:20 AM by EQ-Raiders
Spawns groups of adds in one of three locations that are in set rotations. Tactician: Disables mem-blur. This occurs every 5-6 seconds, if you do not disable Armorsmith: Enables minimal health regen, and more mitigation. Energizer: Reduces the AE damage. Weaponsmith: Disables the 8 secon...
01-01-2008, 08:57 AM by EQ-Raiders