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The Outcast strategy is a pretty straight forward burn fight. Lot's of adds will spawn throughout the fight but your raid will ignore most of them. There is only one type of add that you need to be watchful for during this encounter which is 'a mutagenic spiritswarmer'. These adds must be killed ...
03-15-2008, 04:42 PM by EQ-Raiders
Named will place increments on raid members, dependent on their distance from him. There are 2 colors: blue and red. They will both tick up to 10 increments, if you reach 10, you cause a wipe. Standing Within 7m, will cause Blue increments to go down, and red to go up. Standing Outside of 7m,...
11-26-2013, 04:43 AM by Cheesy
Named will periodically charm the MT. Must have 2 tanks on named ready for this (Neither of them a Paladin, unless you want to have him % base heal the named) Will spawn large groups of snake adds, that are a dps check. If not killed quick enough, cause a large fatal AE that is usually a wipe. Rou...
11-26-2013, 04:43 AM by EQ-Raiders
Raid must stack up, will spawn a Whirlwind on pull. Raid must move from whirlwind. Otherwise you lose mass power. Raid + Tank moves sideways across the room in small stages (about 10-15m). 3 of the Squares on the floor is a safe distance. After about the 4th Whirlwind, mob will start creating Yel...
11-26-2013, 04:42 AM by EQ-Raiders
Raid members must be within 17m of Named/Adds as much as possible. Trauma based AoE - Runic Vortex. Happens roughly the same time the adds pop (every 45s). Adds will spawn that need to be killed. They will pop the top of the room entrance ramp, or bottom of the room exit ramp. Curse called Clean...
11-26-2013, 04:42 AM by Cheesy
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