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Your raid will want to set up three points of attack for this encounter; one for Sevalak, one for Tempestor and one for the adds. If Sevalak and Tempestor get too close they become empowered. Sevalak also has a knockback component so tanks pulling the names will want their back to a wall. About...
09-09-2012, 06:11 AM by Sanction
Kreeger is a very simple fight if you remember one important thing. Your raid must stay within 15 meters of him. 10-15 meters is the ideal spot to stand from him. His AOE's hit harder closer than 9 meters and beyond 15 meters. Stay in this sweet spot and you will take the minimal amount of damage du...
02-22-2011, 08:44 AM by EQ-Raiders
Saalax is a big Burn and big heal fight. It would be ideal to have three tanks for this fight but you can do it with two with enough dps. Saalax mem-wipes quite often so you will want to have two tanks fighting for his aggro. The adds that come with Saalax are basically two smaller copies of him...
02-03-2011, 11:29 PM by Galvin
This mob is very simple but can be tricky with the detrimental effect. This is the first mob to aggro your party when you get too close to Toxxulia. The trick with this fight is that you will get one person in your raid party with a completely black screen every 30 seconds or so. It says you need...
02-05-2010, 08:57 AM by freddo1083
Sir Rouland - Kurns x2 - Second Name Location Take the elevator up from main floor to the purple circular pad. When you step on this pad it ports you right beside the name. Carefully move away from him to the opposite edge. Bubbles During the fight the four grates will start to animate...
06-02-2010, 05:44 PM by Mindeen
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