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You must first kill Drayek's two wolfs before he will become Aggro. Adds will spawn when Drayek's health reaches 80%, 50%, and 20%.
01-04-2008, 06:18 AM by EQ-Raiders
First named in Zavith'Loa.
12-20-2014, 01:59 AM by Drof
Pull Master of the Gaurd where you please and have a second spot set where your raid can move between. The fight will be pretty simple at the start, just burn the add when it spawns or it will cast Keening Wail on the raid and stun everyone. Once Master reaches 30% there will be the message "The...
09-19-2012, 03:27 AM by eq2x_sam
Once Kodrach reaches 50% every 30 seconds a raid member will say in Say chat '!'. This person or the raid should move so not to be close to the person who said it. About 5 seconds after the ! a tigeraptor will spawn and AoE with massive slashing damage. The AoE is called Rending Claws, the add wi...
04-26-2012, 05:40 PM by Sanction
Mob is extremely easy until it reaches 10%. At 10% the mob will emote, "Forces of darkness, I call on you for the strength to prevail!" It is at this time he will begin to cast a massive spell that if cast will wipe your raid. Two ways to prevent this are: Coercer/Illusionist single target Stun ...
01-03-2008, 01:13 PM by EQ-Raiders
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