Senior Loyalist Tilas is the first named encounter you will find in TotMC. This mob is largely tank and spank. He comes with 2 Epicx4 adds which can hit pretty hard but are largely beefed up Heroic adds. Tilas has been known to do a large AOE at times that is currently undetermined what causes ...
12-22-2008, 07:04 PM by EQ-Raiders
Kerridicus Searskin is the second raid encounter in Altar of Malice. Tank and spank mob for the most part. Mob will spawn a Lava Titan that must be killed quickly. While the Lava Titan is up, Kerridicus Searskin is invulnerable. Mob will also spawn 3-4 unstable Lava Globules that when killed wil...
12-20-2014, 02:08 AM by EQ-Raiders