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Klandicar has Four AOE's to mindful of, two of which will be blocked by most of your raid force if you do this fight correctly. Chaos Storm II and III MUST be blocked if you do not have MT level hp. So plan your groups accordingly to block these AOEs. Your MT should have enough blocks and saves t...
11-26-2013, 04:49 AM by EQ-Raiders
Named will periodically charm the MT. Must have 2 tanks on named ready for this (Neither of them a Paladin, unless you want to have him % base heal the named) Will spawn large groups of snake adds, that are a dps check. If not killed quick enough, cause a large fatal AE that is usually a wipe. Rou...
11-26-2013, 04:43 AM by EQ-Raiders
The best spot to place your raid is directly behind him on one tight spot, preferably right in the middle of the room. 10-15 sec into the fight a person gets cursed, that person needs to stop attacking the named or die very fast. A reflection of that person will pop, hitting hard and memwiping fr...
03-17-2011, 06:14 AM by EQ-Raiders
The Enraged War Boar, product of a player exploiting the zone's trash drops, is a fairly simplistic fight. Aside from the standard moderately heavy Noxious AOE's there are four adds that spawn roughly 30 seconds into the fight and then every 45 seconds or so thereafter. These adds are timed a...
05-12-2012, 05:18 PM by EQ-Raiders
For this fight you will want to figure two spots, about 25 meters apart for your tank and raid to be. Tormax or the adds don't have any major knockback so this can be tanked in the middle of the room. It will probably easiest to have a pet class pull Tormax from his throne rather than have the tan...
02-22-2011, 08:50 AM by EQ-Raiders
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