Killingfrost is a rather easy mob once you understand what is needed to be done to win the fight. If your raid (specifically your fighters in this case) has completed the X2 zone you will be able to counter Kraytoc's buff he has on him. The buff isnt that potent for most guilds so if your guild was ...
02-22-2011, 08:46 AM by EQ-Raiders
The only reason this mob is listed as stressful is because of the level of lag you will encounter with this guy. Even if you are the only guild there the lag will probably be pretty amazing. First, in order to do anything with this encounter atleast one person in your group will need to right-clic...
03-26-2010, 12:04 AM by EQ-Raiders
- Spawns 4 heroic ^^^ adds every 10% health. - 4 adds have about 100k hps a piece No tricks to this mob. Constant DPS with the use of a Main Assist and if needed a off tank group for the triple up adds.
01-03-2008, 10:55 AM by EQ-Raiders