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Anoying Mob. First when you get to 75% she will heal back to 100, thats the only time she healed on us. Throughout the fight people will get ported downstairs, and have to kill copies of themselves. Its very important that you find all THREE of the pats, and kill them before you start. The tan...
03-17-2011, 06:13 AM by EQ-Raiders
This encounter requires some coordination but is not difficult to execute. AEs: The first thing to note is the big physical AE lands shortly after pull and needs to be jousted thereafter. Other AEs include an Elemental and an Arcane but aren't particularly damaging, they just need to be cured. C...
10-26-2009, 05:59 PM by Superlative
Mob is extremely easy until it reaches 10%. At 10% the mob will emote, "Forces of darkness, I call on you for the strength to prevail!" It is at this time he will begin to cast a massive spell that if cast will wipe your raid. Two ways to prevent this are: Coercer/Illusionist single target Stun ...
01-03-2008, 01:13 PM by EQ-Raiders
Trixie, Mixie and Dixie. Pull them one at a time, burn them to 5% or less (do not kill them yet). Trixie is a healer (collector of faith) and she heal herself over the course of the fight. Burn the other two first, then pull Trixie. When it gets to 5%, carry on burning and go nuts on AEs so all ...
01-03-2008, 11:36 AM by EQ-Raiders
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