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Pretty straight forward encounter, but the script is a bit tricky to pull off. Vys has a red text joust every 50 seconds and will DT (Death Touch his Target every 45 seconds. The DT is called Storm Touch. Vys also has an elemental aoe called Tumultuous Tempest on ~26 second timer roughly. Elemen...
04-26-2012, 09:52 AM by EQ-Raiders
Sargon the Destructor is a small DPS check and is a rather easy fight. There are no aoe's to really watch out for other than effects gained by adds. The main obstacle in this encounter is handling the 4 adds that will spawn every 45 seconds or so. The adds are called, "Malignon" Crusader, Blackgu...
04-26-2012, 09:50 AM by EQ-Raiders
This fight is all about sustaining DPS with minimal available power. Bring a chanter, a GOOD chanter. And power gear, put on anything you have that procs power, better if it procs to the whole group. Fight starts out simple enough, just a strait boss with a somewhat extreme knockback. Your tank ...
11-02-2010, 03:27 PM by Sude
--- Normal Mode --- The Three Sages need to be tanked by three different classes of tanks. Medorius must be tanked by a brawler class. Mikla must be tanked by a Crusader class. Mandoril must be tanked by a Warrior Class. There is really no AOE to watch out for except an arcane that clears your ...
02-05-2010, 12:09 PM by EQ-Raiders
Gozak requires atleast 4 people in your raid to have killed Aiden and looted the Shard that drops from the Chest. (Chanters and Bards seem to be the preference to use the Shard on Gozak) This Shard summons a pet that is controlled by the player that will tank Gozak. The Pet does massive damage but...
12-28-2009, 04:20 AM by EQ-Raiders
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