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Raid must stack up, will spawn a Whirlwind on pull. Raid must move from whirlwind. Otherwise you lose mass power. Raid + Tank moves sideways across the room in small stages (about 10-15m). 3 of the Squares on the floor is a safe distance. After about the 4th Whirlwind, mob will start creating Yel...
11-26-2013, 04:42 AM by EQ-Raiders
This is an easy encounter when you know where to stands and what to do. First thing, make sure to never stand behind him unless you wana test out his tail swipe. He do have a Knockback component as well (Wing Buffet) So tank (s) need to plan accordingly. That being said, Honvar will take the ai...
05-26-2012, 10:34 PM by Vanuk
Sargon the Destructor is a small DPS check and is a rather easy fight. There are no aoe's to really watch out for other than effects gained by adds. The main obstacle in this encounter is handling the 4 adds that will spawn every 45 seconds or so. The adds are called, "Malignon" Crusader, Blackgu...
04-26-2012, 09:50 AM by EQ-Raiders
Malteor is an interesting fight with a detriment effect that is handled in a similar way to how the noxious detriment is done on Lichlord Skulldugger in Vallon's Tower. First, it should be known that there is a Red Text Warning on this encounter that must be jousted and either moved or Stoneskinned...
04-26-2012, 08:36 AM by EQ-Raiders
This encounter can be one of the more difficult encounters in this zone. You will need to make sure that you burn the book and the librarian down evenly. They don't need to be kept the same or anything but one can't die more than 5% of the remaining health of the other. It will just be easier to ...
03-17-2011, 06:12 AM by EQ-Raiders
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