HP on both nameds must be decreased in Balance. 5% Threshold works fine. Both will periodically call for the tank archetype they need to be tanking them. (Brawler/Warrior/Crusader). Must be on the right tank, or will one shot their target and keep one shotting targets till they find the right type....
11-26-2013, 04:43 AM by EQ-Raiders
Ingolf Arnar is a pretty straight forward encounter. The first thing to know about this mob is that you will need an even balance of mage/healer dps and scout/fighter dps. During the fight adds will spawn named either 'a physical phantasm' or 'an arcane phantasm'. You would be right to guess that...
09-19-2012, 05:24 AM by EQ-Raiders
Comes with three triple up epic adds. These pose no large threat and can be tanked all at once with your MT. Burn the adds down and move to Sariah. Sariah goes through four stances: Warrior, Crusader, Brawler, and Desperation. She will nuke for Divine damage if there is target that is not of the...
01-03-2008, 11:48 AM by EQ-Raiders
Final named boss in standard zone progression.
12-20-2014, 02:27 AM by EQ-Raiders