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First thing to know about this fight is that it is a timed encounter. Your raid has 4 minutes and 20 seconds to complete this fight. You will want your raid to stack up right next to Draazak. Drazzak will have a number of little adds that will spawn throughout this encounter. You will want to ta...
11-26-2013, 04:50 AM by EQ-Raiders
Raid members must be within 17m of Named/Adds as much as possible. Trauma based AoE - Runic Vortex. Happens roughly the same time the adds pop (every 45s). Adds will spawn that need to be killed. They will pop the top of the room entrance ramp, or bottom of the room exit ramp. Curse called Clean...
11-26-2013, 04:42 AM by Cheesy
Main name and 2 eel adds. Need to use Waxy Urchin Roe on this fight, just click it every time its available ( 140second duration, 100second reuse). Easy to just macro it to a common spell, has no cast or recovery. If anyone in raid does not maintain this item they will be charmed and one shot...
05-06-2013, 08:01 AM by Ebofu
Easy Mode: Casts an uncurable Elemental on a member of the raid, they need to move away from everyone else until gone. If they don't move, it spreads, if it spreads 4x, its a wipe. Name - Arc Lightning Regex for GC/RH etc. - Overlord Talan's Arc Lightning (critically )?hits (?!YOU)(?[A-Za-z...
05-06-2013, 08:00 AM by Cheesy
The mob has a couple different adds that spawn and can be burned down with moderate DPS. Make sure your tank keep their snaps up because Sparerib will drop hate now and again. Contributed by: Boduar There are 2 metal plates on the ground the boss, tank, and person with incurable curse need to be ...
07-02-2011, 12:40 PM by Edrickx
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