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There are two parts to this fight. The first part takes place on the south side of the bridge and the second part on the north side of the bridge. He will cast two abilities, one every 30 seconds. To prevent your raid from dying to them, you will need to kill books. Psychotic books block the P...
01-03-2008, 10:27 AM by Vizshus
Balor is the first mob in this zone that can be considered a DPS check. You will find Balor standing on the middle of the bridge after teleporting to Wing 2 in Underdepths. You do not have to fight him on the bridge as he can be pull to either side without the encounter breaking. The first part o...
04-26-2012, 06:49 AM by EQ-Raiders
Saalax is a big Burn and big heal fight. It would be ideal to have three tanks for this fight but you can do it with two with enough dps. Saalax mem-wipes quite often so you will want to have two tanks fighting for his aggro. The adds that come with Saalax are basically two smaller copies of him...
02-03-2011, 11:29 PM by Galvin
Digg – Corrupted Earth Elemental Getting to Digg Have one person raise the south bridge then move out to Digg's island and raise the west bridge. Skirt the edge of the island to move from one brick to the other. Digg has a fairly small agro range. Positioning/Pull To start, everyone sh...
08-31-2012, 04:46 PM by Repel
Every mob must be killed in the zone otherwise they will aggro when Wuoshi Aggro's. Wuoshi has a very large hit box. Wuoshi spawns a "Ancient Grovebeast" add at 75% and 25%. Common stratey is to tank Wuoshi on the paddock to the far left corner of the entrance to the third floor. Everyone in rai...
01-03-2008, 12:37 PM by EQ-Raiders
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