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Malteor is an interesting fight with a detriment effect that is handled in a similar way to how the noxious detriment is done on Lichlord Skulldugger in Vallon's Tower. First, it should be known that there is a Red Text Warning on this encounter that must be jousted and either moved or Stoneskinned...
04-26-2012, 08:36 AM by EQ-Raiders
Between 100% - 50% is just straight burn. 1. She will periodically port someone and 'bite' them for about 30% health then knock that person back and come back to the raid. 2. There is an elemental AoE that hits pretty hard if not cured. 3. She will cast a curse on a single person that debuffs pot...
03-17-2011, 06:14 AM by EQ-Raiders
Ione the Lifebringer This is the fourth and final encounter in Kurn's Tower and is fairly difficult. You should be wearing mostly T4 TSO raid gear to have a chance at beating him. SETUP - Two healers per group required - Long fight so need good power regen (bard/chanter per group) - Just need on...
04-19-2010, 06:47 PM by Mindeen
Munzok's fight is actually extremely simple on paper. Adds Spawn, kill the adds. Stay in the bubble and click the towers. That is pretty much the fight. But I'll get a little more detailed for you. You will need atleast three fighters in your raid to make this encounter to what it was intended...
01-25-2010, 06:51 AM by EQ-Raiders
Absatalious is a named that will aggro your raid party a few seconds after entering the new portal after killing Switchmaster. This mob is a pretty straight forward dps burn but you do you need to pay attention to one key part. The mob has a Poison/Disease based AOE that if not cured will tick for...
04-23-2009, 11:26 PM by EQ-Raiders
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