Split your raid up in a 3-1 formation; 3 groups on Goreslaughter, 1 group on Corpsemaul. Tank the names near their respective platforms. The one ability that both names share is a curse called Toll of War. One person on each side will be hit with the curse every 30 seconds. The person with the c...
01-18-2013, 06:29 AM by Sanction
You will need the person with Aggro to stay within melee range of Tert at all times. Tert will not move from where he stands from the two places he ports to and from. If he targets someone too far away he will ignite the docks and you will die. If you manage to jump into the water to avoid the fi...
02-22-2011, 08:44 AM by EQ-Raiders
Haladan Enraged will be a very frustrating fight to even begin to learn. The fight itself is pretty straight forward. Off tank both Haladan and Tuskers with a third tank grabbing the adds as they come. Joust the 3 AOE's. Pretty easy right? Wrong. Everyone mob in this encounter, including the a...
01-23-2010, 06:26 AM by EQ-Raiders
Uktap is believed to be harder than Tyrannous. I disagree with this statement. The only thing you really need on this fight is massive AOE dps. You will have several adds to start (2 of which are named). These adds need to be killed asap. Many guilds start by directly targeting one of the named...
12-27-2009, 07:27 AM by EQ-Raiders
Uzdrak the Invincible is the first named encounter in the Temple of Korsha. He is non-agro so run past him down the stairs and stay in the middle area. Pull and kill the golems from either side to the middle area at the base of the stairs first. Make sure not to do any large AOEs otherwise you wi...
02-05-2009, 06:53 PM by Mindeen