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The Grendish fight takes place on four platforms, as Grendish will teleport to a new platform every 10% of his health. Grendish will not move and he will remain in one static spot on each of the four platforms. The platforms are as follows: The platform he is sitting on at Spawn, the two platform...
07-02-2014, 05:38 AM by EQ-Raiders
Pyrelord and Controller is one of the more straight forward fights in this zone. You will want to make sure that your raid has SINGULAR FOCUS on for at least the first part of this fight. You will want to burn down the Controller first. The Controller spawns little fire adds that will taunt your ...
11-26-2013, 04:48 AM by EQ-Raiders
Arreken Skyward is a busy fight that will have you paying attention to the front and back of this mob. Arreken Skyward has two random emotes that are spoken in Draconic Language and will be about his "tail" or his "bite". If the text says, "Standing in front of my mighty jaws puts you in a conve...
04-26-2012, 09:34 AM by EQ-Raiders
Arch Confessor is the first scripted mob in the zone, and can be a bit tricky to figure out. He will come with 2 initial adds Sloth and Wrath, and throughout the fight spawn 2 adds at a time every 30-45 seconds. The mob has a curse that needs to be cured, and the adds have a curse that should not be...
07-02-2011, 01:14 PM by Edrickx
You will want at least 2 places laid out for your tank and raid to move between. About 30 seconds into the fight two 'totems of silence' will spawn on your raid. This is when you will want to move to your second point. I believe the totems spawns every 45 seconds so just move to your next point...
07-17-2011, 08:54 PM by Sanction
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