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Easy Mode: Casts an uncurable Elemental on a member of the raid, they need to move away from everyone else until gone. If they don't move, it spreads, if it spreads 4x, its a wipe. Name - Arc Lightning Regex for GC/RH etc. - Overlord Talan's Arc Lightning (critically )?hits (?!YOU)(?[A-Za-z...
05-06-2013, 08:00 AM by Cheesy
Sevalor and his pet Putretor can be a stressful fight on one condition only. Necrotic Rot. This aoe MUST be cured nearly instantly as you have only 3 seconds or so before it expires on your raid. If this AOE expires it will empower both Sevalor and Putretor and give them a buff that greatly enhan...
04-26-2012, 08:15 AM by EQ-Raiders
You need to pull Berik to the front of the zone due to a port affect that happens after 50%. For us Berik is tanked in the middle at the top of the ramp and adds are pulled off to the side. The adds will knockback sometimes so tank picking them up needs to be prepared for it. First half of the fi...
06-15-2012, 03:01 AM by Sanction
The name itself is pretty straight forward with one elemental AoE on a 20 second recast and needs the mage confidence debuff. At certain time intervals the name will port to the center area and pop a bubble the size of the circle in the center and clear all effects, including the confidence debuf...
08-07-2011, 04:46 PM by Sanction
This mob has a time based component to him. You have roughly 3 minutes to bring the named down to 75% of his health and 3 minutes for each next 25%. If you do not meet this challenge you will summon a X4 mob that will kill your raid. The mob will hit your raid with Noxious and Arcane AE's. Noxio...
02-22-2011, 08:53 AM by EQ-Raiders
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