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The Outcast strategy is a pretty straight forward burn fight. Lot's of adds will spawn throughout the fight but your raid will ignore most of them. There is only one type of add that you need to be watchful for during this encounter which is 'a mutagenic spiritswarmer'. These adds must be killed ...
03-15-2008, 04:42 PM by EQ-Raiders
The basics of the Drinal fights are as follows. You either let Drinal absorb certain soul wells or you destroy them before he absorbs them. This effectively changes the challenge mode of the encounter. Soulwell 1 Red - Temporal Downstairs - Temporal Soulwell frontal cone AE (Red Text Warning...
11-20-2012, 01:16 AM by EQ-Raiders
Vallon Zek- You do not fight Vallon Zek. You fight Kulaxis Da 'Kraal who spawns in the middle of the room after you hail Vallon Zek. Priest Debuff will be needed for Kulaxis. There are mana drains throughout fight. Mana gear is helpful. We tanked Kulaxis right in the middle of the room. Vallon never...
12-13-2011, 05:56 AM by Quijana
Haggle Baron Klok - Kurns x2 Setup This is the first named encounter in the zone. Make sure to clear all the trash on the first floor before engaging him. Setup dead center of the room between the two large fire pits, then pet pull him to this spot. Bubbles of Protection While fighting...
05-31-2010, 08:50 PM by Mindeen
He has a nasty trauma AE that you'll want to have scouts joust most likely. Squishy people should just stay away period. Important! Before you start, set loot to Free For All. Crucial! We position the raid right in the doorway to begin, with the MT taking the mob to the corner to the right. He...
11-27-2009, 10:41 PM by Sude
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