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There are two parts to this fight. The first part takes place on the south side of the bridge and the second part on the north side of the bridge. He will cast two abilities, one every 30 seconds. To prevent your raid from dying to them, you will need to kill books. Psychotic books block the P...
01-03-2008, 10:27 AM by Vizshus
Vallon Zek- You do not fight Vallon Zek. You fight Kulaxis Da 'Kraal who spawns in the middle of the room after you hail Vallon Zek. Priest Debuff will be needed for Kulaxis. There are mana drains throughout fight. Mana gear is helpful. We tanked Kulaxis right in the middle of the room. Vallon never...
12-13-2011, 05:56 AM by Quijana
Sullon Zek is a very straight forward encounter. For the most part the fight is based on several timers which control the adds that pop and a weapon rack that you need to destroy. You will need big heals and big dps to drop this encounter. This encounter begins the second anyone in your raid ...
08-02-2011, 02:58 PM by Tomatoh
Haephaus is like a version of The Clockwork Menace. There are three forge areas near him. One behind him, one to the side of him and one in front of him. Here you will see three items. The items are Shield, Armor and Weapon. When you start the fight a timer will start. You will have 60 seconds...
09-03-2010, 06:59 AM by EQ-Raiders
Captain H'Bri is linked with Lieutenant Grauf Thundersmash and not agro at the start. You clear the room of the golem adds and then go to take the portal. When you enter the room, head to the right and take the portal to a different room. Clear all the golems. Once the golems are dead, split the...
05-28-2010, 07:33 AM by
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