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Caella of the Pearl must be kept in the center circle where she stands. If she gets pulled out, then she gets additional buffs which can cause raid wipes. She has 2 AE's which are both ranged based on damage. The further away you are, the less damage you take. Pearlescent Shock - Cureable Eleme...
05-06-2013, 08:02 AM by EQ-Raiders
Main name and 2 eel adds. Need to use Waxy Urchin Roe on this fight, just click it every time its available ( 140second duration, 100second reuse). Easy to just macro it to a common spell, has no cast or recovery. If anyone in raid does not maintain this item they will be charmed and one shot...
05-06-2013, 08:01 AM by Ebofu
This is an easy encounter when you know where to stands and what to do. First thing, make sure to never stand behind him unless you wana test out his tail swipe. He do have a Knockback component as well (Wing Buffet) So tank (s) need to plan accordingly. That being said, Honvar will take the ai...
05-26-2012, 10:34 PM by Vanuk
This encounter isn't too difficult, the main issue to be dealt with are the adds. There are 8 heroic adds that cannot be killed (buffs show they will heal 100% on death). 4 on the right can be mezzed, 4 on the left can either be rooted or just off-tanked. Vorticia has a knockback, so have your MT...
09-20-2011, 06:14 AM by mecrab
The mob has a couple different adds that spawn and can be burned down with moderate DPS. Make sure your tank keep their snaps up because Sparerib will drop hate now and again. Contributed by: Boduar There are 2 metal plates on the ground the boss, tank, and person with incurable curse need to be ...
07-02-2011, 12:40 PM by Edrickx
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